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Postdoc Position in Computational Cancer Biology (ERC funded) m/w/d

ID: 277576

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 05.02.2025
Einsatzort Heidelberg

Jobbeschreibung Your Tasks
As part of the research team, you will participate in the overall project and shape your own research profile in one or several of the following areas:
- Integrative data analysis for biological discovery
- Single-cell multiome data analysis at ultra-large scale (>100 000 cells per donor)
- Spatial transcriptomics
- Clonal evolution and phylogeny
- Copy-number changes and complex rearrangements and their impact on the transcriptome at single-cell resolution
- Clone fitness and selection, interactions between tumor cells and the microenvironment
- Data science, quality assurance, advanced visualization and model checking
- Develop scalable and robust software for scientific computing.

You will be able to contribute both to scientific discovery by analysis of primary data, and to the development of more broadly usable computational methods and tools.
Qualifikationen Your Profile
You have a PhD relevant to computational biology, e.g., in bioinformatics, systems biology, or in statistics, physics, computer science with demonstrated interest in the life sciences. You have experience in scientific computing and are familiar with R/Bioconductor and/or Python for data science. In your application, please include links to prior research outputs such as software packages, data analysis notebooks, technical reports, PhD thesis.
A very good command of English is expected.

The position is available immediately. The initial term of employment is 3 years and may be extended up to a total of 5 years.
Firma Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
69120 Heidelberg
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