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Postdoktorandenstelle (m/w/d) - Zelluläre Wahrnehmungs- und Signalmechanismen von roten Blutkörperchen von Fischen

ID: 277492

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 04.02.2025
Einsatzort Kiel

Jobbeschreibung Job Description
The successful candidate will investigate the cellular and molecular physiology of Atlantic cod red blood cells by: i) performing genomic and transcriptomic searches for putative oxygen and acid base sensors (e.g., globins, bicarbonate-sensing sAC and proton-sensing GPCRs), in combination with protein localisation (e.g., by western blotting and super-resolution microscopy); ii) pharmacological inhibition of target sensors, combined with ion flux measurements (e.g., with radioisotopes) and live-cell imaging of intracellular pH and membrane potential; and iii) genetic manipulations of red blood cells (e.g., through chemical transfection) to study the subcellular localisation of tagged fusion proteins in live cells, in addition to over-expression and knock-down experiments of oxygen and acid-base sensors. Therefore, this project combines cutting-edge microscopy techniques for super-resolution and live-cell imaging, with a variety of cell and molecular lab techniques. In addition, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate in ocean-going expeditions on GEOMAR/AWI vessels in the Baltic, Atlantic and Arctic and will help maintain animals at the GEOMAR aquatic facilities. Candidates are expected to be fluent in English, have excellent communication skills and a desire to work with others in a diverse international team. Finally, postdocs will have the opportunity to mentor graduate and undergraduate students and participate in teaching and outreach activities at the GEOMAR, AWI and the University of Kiel.
Qualifikationen Qualification
Required qualifications:
- Doctorate (PhD) in comparative physiology, marine biology, or related fields
- Strong publishing record in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at scientific conferences
- Strong background in molecular laboratory techniques, evidenced by the candidate’s research output
- Proficiency in bioinformatics and statistical analysis
- Fluency in English (both written and spoken)

Preferred qualifications:
- Experience with modern microscopy techniques
- Experience with the capture, husbandry and handling of fish
- Experience with radioisotope handling and flux measurements
- Experience with cell culture and sterile work in biosafety cabinets
- Experience with blood sampling and surgical cannulation techniques
Firma GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
24148 Kiel
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