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ERC-Funded Postdoctoral Positions in Molecular Neuroscience/ Biochemistry m/w/d

ID: 276403

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 09.01.2025
Einsatzort Berlin

Jobbeschreibung We are seeking to recruit two post-doctoral fellows with expertise in biochemistry and/ or organelle proteomics as well as cell culture to study the pathways that control the formation of the presynaptic compartment. In the project genome engineering in stem cell-derived neurons will be combined with high-resolution imaging and systems biology/ proteomic approaches developed in the Haucke lab to identify the origin and composition of synaptic vesicle and active zone precursor organelles [see Rizalar et al (2023) Science].
We seek highly motivated, ambitious, and talented scientists to join an enthusiastic and collaborative team in an outstanding scientific environment to perform research.
The positions are available immediately and are based on contracts for the civil service (TVöD Bund). They will be time limited for an initial period of two years with the possibility of extension.
Qualifikationen Qualifications
The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. in a relevant area (e.g. biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular neuroscience) and have a strong track record of accomplishment. Candidates with proven interests and/ or experience in biochemistry or organelle proteomics and/ or the use and application of stem cell-based neurons are especially encouraged to apply. The applicant should also have excellent written and oral communication skills and display a high personal motivation to excel in science. The working language is English; knowledge of the German language is not required
Firma Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
13125 Berlin
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