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3 PhD positions in Plant cell and molecular biology (m/f/d)

ID: 275836

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 12.12.2024
Einsatzort Freising

Jobbeschreibung Three funded PhD student positions are available at the Chair of Plant Systems Biology at the School of Life Sciences of the Technische Universität München in Freising-Weihenstephan. - Polarity regulation by protein kinases during stomata development
- Phospho-regulation of the plant cytoskeleton
- Developmental adaptations for plant growth in soil
Qualifikationen We seek highly motivated PhD students to strengthen our interactive and collaborative team. The projects are founded on the well-established and highly visible track record of the laboratory in the analysis of plant growth processes regulated by AGC1 kinases.
Firma Technische Universität München
85354 Freising
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