Zur Übersicht

Postdoc position in quantitative biology m/w/d

ID: 271751

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 11.09.2024
Einsatzort Basel

Jobbeschreibung Your position
- Apply and develop model-based and statistical approaches to analyze and interpret large scale dynamic profiles of small molecules effects on cancer cell metabolism.
- Adapting existing and possibly developing improved experimental protocols for the high-throughput metabolomics analysis of drug-perturbed cells.
- Unravel the hidden potential of apparently inactive molecules in interfering with cellular metabolism.
- Support and preparation of scientific reports and journal articles
Qualifikationen Essential:
- PhD in (Bio)Physics, (Bio)engineering, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics/Computational Biology, or related fields.
- Solid experience in data analysis
- Experience with programming language (e.g. Matlab, R or Python) Motivation to work in an international research environment

Highly desirable:
- Experience in kinetic modeling and/or hands-on laboratory experience
- Good communication skills
- Interest in mathematical modeling of metabolic and regulatory/signaling network
Firma Universität Basel
CH-4001 Basel
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